Te rangi e tu iho nei, te papa e takoto nei, tena korua.
Koutou te hunga kua huri ki tua o Te Arai, e kui ma, e koro ma i te po,
Haere, haere, moe mai koutou.
Kia hoki mai ki te hunga ora.
Ka tika me tuku nga mihi me nga manaakitanga ki to tatou Kingi a Tuheitia. Me kii, te Kingi
a te kotahitanga o nga iwi o te motu. Na reira me piki te ora, piki te kaha ki runga ki a ia me
tana whanau a, puta noa i te whare ariki.
Pai marire ki a ratou, a hoki mai, pai marire kia tatou katoa nga uri o Te Kawerau a Maki.
On 12 December 2013 Te Kawerau a Maki and the Crown initialed a Deed of Settlement that contains the Crown’s formal offer to settle all Te Kawerau a Maki historical claims resulting from acts or omissions by the Crown prior to 21 September 1992.
Te Kawerau a Maki will be holding 2 information hui:
Date Venue Time
Thursday 19 December 2013 Te Manukanuka a Hoturoa Marae 6pm
Uenuku Way (off Tom Pearce Drive)
Auckland Airport, Mangere
Sunday 19 January 2014 Te Manukanuka a Hoturoa Marae 1pm
Uenuku Way (off Tom Pearce Drive)
Auckland Airport, Mangere
Ratification booklet and voting forms will be available at both information hui.
If you have not received a voting pack in the mail, you can cast a special vote at one of the information hui outlined above.
There will also be voting packs accompanied with a information booklet sent out as well. The voting pack enables you to cast your vote via the "online voting" link above.
The purpose of the Information Hui is to make sure that Te Kawerau a Maki members have all the information required to make a fully informed decision on whether to vote for the Deed of Settlement and the proposed PSGE structure.
For this reason the trustees strongly urge all Te Kawerau a Maki members to take the opportunity to attend at least one of the two Information Hui.
All eligible members, 18 years and over, of Te Kawerau a Maki now have the opportunity to vote on whether or not to accept the Crown’s settlement offer. This is the called the ratification process.
Before settlement assets can be transferred, a legal structure referred to as a post-settlement governance entity (PSGE) must be in place to receive them.
The trustees of Te Kawerau Iwi Tribal Authority have undertaken extensive work and sought expert advice to develop a proposal for the establishment of a suitable PSGE and operational structure to receive and manage the Te Kawerau a Maki settlement assets. As part of the ratification process members of Te Kawerau a Maki are also being asked to vote to approve the proposed PSGE
The Crown's settlement offer, as presented in the Deed of Settlement (and accompanying draft Te Kawerau a Maki Claims Settlement Bill), includes three areas of redress:
- Crown Apology (with an agreed Historical Account and Crown Acknowledgements)
- Cultural Redress; and
- Financial and Commercial Redress.
Further details of the Te Kawerau a Maki Deed of Settlement (and draft Settlement Bill and information booklet) are provided below.
Attachment | Size |
TeKawerauaMakiInitialledDeedofSettlement.pdf | 464.2 KB |
TeKawerauaMakiiDOSDocuments.pdf | 4.26 MB |
TeKawerauaMakiiDOSPropertyRedressandGM.pdf | 319.86 KB |
TKaM Attachments 12 December Initialling Version.pdf | 3.64 MB |
DraftTKaMClaimsSettlementBill.pdf | 540.72 KB |
Te Kawerau Iwi Settlement Trust Deed.pdf | 853.83 KB |
TKaM DOS & PSGE Info Booklet.pdf | 2.3 MB |